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  • 1-866-327-9597

Responsible lending

I certify that the information provided on this form is correct. I authorize complete verification of all information that I have provided, including use of a Consumer Credit Report. You may contact any person or company listed on the previous page and I fully release all parties from liability for any damage that may result. I confirm that I have given my consent for the purpose outlined above. By submitting an application online for a loan with easyfinancial Services, you agree that the information you have given easyfinancial Services on the application is complete and accurate. You agree that you have read our privacy policy and terms of use, and that you consent to, and accept this as written consent to authorize easyfinancial Services to contact your employer to verify your employment and to obtain a copy of your credit report from one of the Canadian credit reporting agencies.

Please Read Before Signing: As a condition of easyfinancial Services lending me money based on the information provided above, I make the following representation: I am not contemplating filing for bankruptcy within the next four months and have not consulted with an attorney or trustee concerning bankruptcy in the last 2 months.

Please note that easyfinancial Services does not currently lend to or solicit business from U.S. residents or residents of countries other than Canada.

Please note that easyfinancial Services does not ever request a security deposit in exchange for processing a loan. Should you receive any such calls or requests, please contact our support centre at 1-888-512-3279.